Lobbyism in the World’s Biggest Democracy- Why India ought to legitimize professional lobbying

Deepak Talwar
2 min readJun 14, 2021


The need for legislations that favors authentic lobbying and the vital role that lobbyists play to foster the democratic interests of a nation

The nexus of “lobbying” has a tangled understanding in our country. This as a subject has time and out fallen to multiple scrutinizes and debates not just in India, but all across the globe. We share this big conurbation with countries like the United States which allows a massive industry and a thriving business to operate under the shelter of law, with expert lobbyists as big participants in the reformation of legal policies. On the other end we have strong opposing views of corruption, bribery or inducements being the most closely linked terms to lobbying activities. India, as the biggest democracy of the conurbation and a country rapidly making advancements to a developed nation-state has timely seen the emergence of interest-groups and lobbying activities taking place within its political realm. Yet however the laws have been never defined in the niche. We do not have country laws that recognize fair lobbying activities, let alone a legal framework to legitimize or regulate these activities. At the face of contemporary India’s political picture painted in vibrant colors of democracy and people power, we are yet taken back to apprehension of who ought to command regulations of laws? Who ought to protect the nation’s interest, if not the adroitness of politically aware groups from within the nation?

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Deepak Talwar

Deepak Talwar is an international businessman and a corporate lobbyist. To Know More Visit https://deepaktalwar.com/